Darryn Lyons is the former Mayor of the Greater City of Geelong, elected after a successful campaign in Nov. 2013.
As mayor, Darryn focussed on lobbying for the city, creating publicity and lifting the city's profile in order to attract tourism and investment.
Darryn has advocated for building a cruise ship pier on the Geelong waterfront in order to boost the city's economy with tourism.
The pier would also incorporate a convention centre and cultural centre.
Other initiatives introduced by Darryn include improving the city centre by making street parking free on weekends ands he was instrumental in unveiling Australia’s largest floating Christmas tree which prompted Geelong as the “Christmas Capital of Australia.”
Darryn grew up as the youngest of three children in the suburb of Herne Hill, and later lived in Leopold, Darryns passion for photography started at a young age, he attended Geelong East Technical School, where he was dux of the school.
After completing his schooling, Lyons began work as a professional photographer at the Geelong News and Geelong Advertiser. At the age of 22, he moved to London, where he gained a job at News of the World, he then left to take a position with the Daily Mail, for whom he provided coverage of the Bosnian War.
Darryn then rose from local newspaper snapper to international businessman and headed Britain’s largest celebrity photo syndicate before returning home to become a crucial and controversial player in local business and politics.
As an active member of the community, Darryn has decided to run for Victorian State Parliament after becoming increasingly frustrated with the major parties and their lack of investment in the region.
The campaign slogan, Think Different, Think Independent is to resonate with voters and to advocate and “Address inequality of funding between Melbourne and Regional Victoria”.