Our Priorities
Addressing the inequality of funding between Melbourne and Regional Victoria
The political manipulation of the major parties is doing a disservice to the people of Regional Victoria. Current politics is so far removed from the lives of real people, from the lives of regional Victorians.
Voters care about what’s being done to improve their schools, hospitals and transport.
Governments are there to serve us. They need to account to their constituents about the decisions they make and the actions they take. This is particularly important when it comes to spending taxpayer money or when these decisions impact directly on people’s lives.
We need to ensure the government is open, accountable, and answerable for their decisions.
Regional Victoria is experiencing its strongest showing of independent challengers to the major parties, possibly in its history.
I’m passionate about Geelong and I believe we need a strong representative who will always stand up for us. I want to work with all parties and my local community to deliver positive outcomes to make Geelong even better.
You can be confident that I will always fight for a fair go for locals and a fair share of government funding for our region.
People are disillusioned and will show their hand come November 24
High Speed Rail from Geelong to Melbourne – The 1954 Geelong Flier went between Melbourne & Geelong in 55 minutes. Sixty-three years later the fastest rail travel still has not improved.
A new fleet of trains capable of traveling up to 300 km/hr would slash travel times between Melbourne and Geelong to 30 mins.
A rail line to Avalon airport, including driverless bus link to the terminals, is crucial to accommodate growth and its international potential.
Mental illness too is a burgeoning issue, with expansion and upgrading of the Swanston Centre Mental Health Acute Unit an imperative to ensure the safety of patients and staff. With our ageing population, we are seeing more people with dementia. If elected, I will make robust representation to boost funding to the McKellar Centre for additional facilities to care and protect people with the illness.
Demand on Geelong Hospital’s emergency department is under enormous strain because of the explosion in population. With recurrent annual growth of 5% in the number of patients treated, there is every justification for a greatly expanded or new emergency department, including a special pediatric rehabilitation center.
The next evolution of our foreshore is long overdue. Western Beach is a magnificent asset yet its potential remains untapped. It should be an attractive extension of Eastern Beach, which has become a haven for residents and tourists.
A public private partnership should be the driver for a new cruise ship terminal at the Yarra Street pier. Politics and disagreement should be set aside to fast-track a convention centre and re-development of the yacht club precinct. And more green space is needed to revolutionize central Geelong into a people-friendly zone. That means banning all traffic from some of our key city streets.Creating New possibilities for tourism and major Events for Geelong.
Despite the efforts of successive governments, the wave of lawlessness - including home invasions, robberies, bashings and violence against women - continues unabated.
More police, supported by additional Protective Services Officers, are needed to ensure people are safe in their homes and on our streets. And they should be provided all the technology and tools required to do the job. We are losing the fight against crime – and it needs to stop!
Transformational projects require big thinking and the people who make vision become reality. Our city centre is shabby, lifeless and crying out for an injection of new ideas and new enterprises.
City Hall should be vacated and re-developed as part of rejuvenating the Geelong Art Gallery. The City of Greater Geelong should, as a matter of urgency, build new headquarters, saving millions of dollars in rent and stimulating productivity.
The next evolution of our foreshore is long overdue. Western Beach is a magnificent asset yet its potential remains untapped. It should be an attractive extension of Eastern Beach, which has become a haven for residents and tourists.
If elected for the seat of Geelong I will fight for urgent upgrades to local sporting facilities and community clubs across the Geelong electorate. All sporting clubs will benefit from upgrades to ovals change rooms, club rooms, lightening and shelters. This facility upgrades will need to be more inclusive for women and children.
Sporting clubs are the backbone of our city. They are community hubs, providing an environment that nurtures the health and well-being of young people and adults. Yet they are constantly under threat from dwindling finances and the pressure of maintaining facilities to meet member needs.
I also fully support the $102 Million fifth and final stage if the Kardinia Park Stadium redevelopment, which will increase the venue capacity to 40,000. Football, understandably, takes priority, but why shouldn’t the gates be thrown open to the community off-season and under supervision.