
Crime in Geelong has been spiralling out of control, I don’t understand why it takes an election for politicians to start paying attention and allocating resources to tackle these issues.

Geelong needs a Community Policing Task Force, which is about going back to basics, having more police and especially more PSO’s out on the street doing foot and bike patrols and building relationships with our community.

We need to be protecting our community by having tougher legislation against criminals, better lighting in the city and streets as crime likes to hide in the dark and a major review of police resources.

We need to be using resources efficiently and embracing technology that can help free up officers to do what they do best. A crime app is a smart, fast and effective way for the police to communicate with residents. Users would receive a notification if a crime that typically happens in a cluster (such as a break in) occurs in the vicinity of their residence. This would enable people to ensure their property is secure and also might jog someones memory as to seeing something that may help the police. Anyone without access would be notified via letter drop.

The app could also be used to file a police report when police intervention is not required i.e. a lost phone. In the UK you file these sorts of reports over the phone to ensure police resources are being used in the most effective manner, the app would just take the efficiency to the next level


crime app
Megan Welsh